
Was kostet mich das Ganze?

Klar – eine der ersten Fragen die auftritt: Was kostet mich das Ganze? – zumindest bei mir tritt diese Frage als erstes auf, da ich wie jeder andere auch, auf mein Budget achten muss. Um einen Anhaltspunkt bzw einen Angebotspreis zu bekommen, kannst du hier selbst ein Angebot für dich kalkulieren. Wenn etwas nicht aufgeführt ist, oder du Fragen zu der Preisgestaltung hast, dann zögere bitte nicht und frag einfach nach. Ich bin da völlig unkompliziert im Auskünfte geben. Einfach eine E-Mail an:

'; function currencyStyle(number){ switch (currencyStyleOption){ case 0: number = currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + number case 1: number = number + ' ' + currencyLabel break } return number } function currencySymbol(currency){ var currencySymbolLabel = '$' switch(currency){ case 'ANG': currencySymbolLabel = 'ƒ' break case 'ILS': currencySymbolLabel = '₪' break case 'USD': currencySymbolLabel = '$' break case 'CAD': currencySymbolLabel = '$' break case 'EUR': currencySymbolLabel = '€' break case 'NOK': currencySymbolLabel = 'kr' break case 'JPY': currencySymbolLabel = '¥' break case 'RUB': currencySymbolLabel = '₽' break case 'TRY': currencySymbolLabel = '₺' break case 'CHF': currencySymbolLabel = 'Fr.' break case 'SEK': currencySymbolLabel = 'kr' break case 'BRL': currencySymbolLabel = 'R$' break case 'CNY': currencySymbolLabel = '¥' break case 'AUD': currencySymbolLabel = 'A$' break case 'DKK': currencySymbolLabel = 'Kr.' break case 'HKD': currencySymbolLabel = 'HK$' break case 'GBP': currencySymbolLabel = '£' break case 'ZAR': currencySymbolLabel = 'R' break case 'ZMW': currencySymbolLabel = 'K' break case 'RON': currencySymbolLabel = 'RON' break case '‎PKR': currencySymbolLabel = 'Rs' break case 'KRW': currencySymbolLabel = '₩' break case 'CFA': currencySymbolLabel = 'FCFA' break case 'PLN': currencySymbolLabel = 'zł' break case 'IDR': currencySymbolLabel = 'Rp' break default: currencySymbolLabel = currency || '$' } return currencySymbolLabel } // currency Style function ends // check If mandatory options are choosen document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { scc_jQuery('.btPayPalButtonCustom').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var scc_mandatory = ''; scc_jQuery('.mandatory_yes').each(function(){ scc_jQuery(this).addClass('hehehehehehehe'); if(scc_jQuery(this).val() ==''){ scc_jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('.alert-danger').html('Please choose an option !'); scc_jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('.alert-danger').css('display','block'); scc_jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scc_jQuery(this).offset().top }, 1000); scc_mandatory = 'scc_remains'; if(window.hasOwnProperty("translatorJson")){ initTranslationScriptSCC('body', {lang: "en", t: translatorJson}); } checkIfParentIsAccordionAndOpenIt(this) } }); // check if mandatory checkbox/button/switches are checked scc_jQuery('[data-mandatory=yes]').each((i,e) => { isNoneChecked = !(scc_jQuery('input', e).map((i,ee) => {return jQuery(ee).is(':checked')}).get().some(eee => eee == true)) if (isNoneChecked) { scc_jQuery(e).find('.alert-danger').html('Please choose an option !').css('display','block'); scc_jQuery(e).parent().find('.scc-accordion').click(); scc_jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scc_jQuery(e).offset().top }, 1000); scc_mandatory = 'scc_remains'; } else { scc_jQuery(e).find('.alert-danger').hide(); // scc_mandatory == ''; } }) if (scc_mandatory == '') { if(Number(total) && Number(total) > 0){ scc_jQuery("#paypal_form").submit(); scc_jQuery("#paypal_form")[0].submit(); } } }); }); function getDropDownValue($this){ price = scc_jQuery($this).val(); if (! price) { return 0; } else return price; } function SCCOpenPopUpEmail(){ scc_jQuery.getScript('', function(data) { var scc_mandatory = ''; scc_jQuery('.mandatory_yes').each(function(){ if(scc_jQuery(this).val() ==''){ scc_jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('.alert-danger').html('Please choose an option !'); scc_jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('.alert-danger').css('display','block'); scc_jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scc_jQuery(this).offset().top }, 1000); scc_mandatory = 'scc_remains'; if(window.hasOwnProperty("translatorJson")){ initTranslationScriptSCC('body', {lang: "en", t: translatorJson}); 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} }else if(typeof === 'object'){ coupon =[0] scc_jQuery('#coupon_code_modal').modal('hide') applyCouponDiscount(coupon) } } }else if(typeof data === 'string'){ if(data.length > 0){ var responseTemp = data.split('{"success":true,"data":')[data.split('{"success":true,"data":').length -1] if(responseTemp.indexOf('false') == -1){ responseTemp = responseTemp.substring(1,responseTemp.length - 2) coupon = JSON.parse(responseTemp) scc_jQuery('#coupon_code_modal').modal('hide') applyCouponDiscount(coupon) }else{ scc_jQuery('#coupon_code_error').html('This code is not valid.') if(window.hasOwnProperty("translatorJson")){ initTranslationScriptSCC('body', {lang: "en", t: translatorJson}); } } } }else if(!data){ } scc_jQuery('#button_check_coupon').html('Check Coupon Code') }, error: function(errorThrown){ console.log(errorThrown); scc_jQuery('#button_check_coupon').html('Check Coupon Code'); } }) } function applyCouponDiscount(coupon){ scc_jQuery('.submitPrices').click(); } function displayCouponDiscountInFrontEnd(price){ // substracting discount coupon if(!price || typeof price === 'undefined') { price = 0 } if(coupon){ var canDoDiscount = false if(Number(coupon.minspend) === -1 && Number(coupon.maxspend) === -1){ canDoDiscount = true }else{ if(Number(coupon.minspend) === -1 && Number(coupon.maxspend) != -1){ if(price <= coupon.maxspend){ canDoDiscount = true } }else if(Number(coupon.minspend) != -1 && Number(coupon.maxspend) === -1){ if(price >= coupon.minspend){ canDoDiscount = true } }else if(Number(coupon.minspend) != -1 && Number(coupon.minspend) != -1 ){ if(price >= Number(coupon.minspend) && price <= Number(coupon.maxspend)){ canDoDiscount = true } } } if(canDoDiscount){ if(Number(coupon.discountpercentage) != -1){ coupon.price_without_discount = price.toFixed(2) price = price.toFixed(2) - (price.toFixed(2) * (Number(coupon.discountpercentage)/100).toFixed(2)) coupon.discount_value_total = coupon.price_without_discount - price.toFixed(2) coupon.discount_value_total = Number(coupon.discount_value_total.toFixed(2)) } if(Number(coupon.discountvalue) != -1){ coupon.price_without_discount = price price = price < Number(coupon.discountvalue) ? 0 : price - Number(coupon.discountvalue) coupon.discount_value_total = Number(coupon.discountvalue) coupon.discount_value_total = Number(coupon.discount_value_total.toFixed(2)) } }else { coupon.price_without_discount = price coupon.discount_value_total = 0 } } //Applying Coupon Discount if(coupon){ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_container').css('display', 'block') if(canDoDiscount){ scc_jQuery('#coupon_button').css('display', 'none') if(coupon.discountpercentage != -1.00){ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_discount_percentage').html('Discount percentage: ' + coupon.discountpercentage + '%') } if(coupon.discountvalue != -1.00){ if(currencyStyleOption === 0){ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_discount_value').html(currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.discountvalue)) }else{ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_discount_value').html(priceCommaStyler(coupon.discountvalue) + ' ' + currencyLabel) } } } if(Number(coupon.minspend) === -1.00 && Number(coupon.maxspend) === -1.00){ if(currencyStyleOption === 0){ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_spend_range').html('

Your discount has been applied correctly. -' + currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.discount_value_total) + '

') }else{ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_spend_range').html('

Your discount has been applied correctly. -' + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.discount_value_total) + currencyLabel + '

') } }else{ if(Number(coupon.minspend) != -1.00 && Number(coupon.maxspend) != -1.00){ if(currencyStyleOption === 0){ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_spend_range').html(Number(coupon.price_without_discount) >= Number(coupon.minspend) && Number(coupon.maxspend) >= Number(coupon.price_without_discount) ? '

Your discount has been applied correctly. -' + currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.discount_value_total) + '

': '

Your discount has not been applied because the total price has to be between ' + currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.minspend) + ' and ' + currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + priceCommaStyler(coupon.maxspend) + '

') }else{ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_spend_range').html(Number(coupon.price_without_discount) >= Number(coupon.minspend) && Number(coupon.maxspend) >= Number(coupon.price_without_discount) ? '

Your discount has been applied correctly. -' + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.discount_value_total) + currencyLabel + '

': '

Your discount has not been applied because the total price has to be between ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.minspend) + ' ' + currencyLabel + ' and ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.maxspend) + ' ' + currencyLabel + '

') } }else if(Number(coupon.minspend) != -1.00 && Number(coupon.maxspend) === -1.00){ if(currencyStyleOption === 0){ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_spend_range').html(Number(coupon.price_without_discount) >= Number(coupon.minspend) ? '

Your discount has been applied correctly. -' + currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.discount_value_total) + '

': '

Your discount has not been applied because the total price has to be higher than ' + currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.minspend) + currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + '

') }else{ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_spend_range').html(Number(coupon.price_without_discount) >= Number(coupon.minspend) ? '

Your discount has been applied correctly. -' + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.discount_value_total) + currencyLabel + '

': '

Your discount has not been applied because the total price has to be higher than ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.minspend) + ' ' + currencyLabel + '

') } }else if(Number(coupon.minspend) === -1.00 && Number(coupon.maxspend) != -1.00){ if(currencyStyleOption === 0){ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_spend_range').html(Number(coupon.maxspend) >= Number(coupon.price_without_discount) ? '

Your discount has been applied correctly. -' + currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.discountvalue) + '

': '

Your discount has not been applied because the total price has to be lower than ' + currencySymbol(currencyLabel) + priceCommaStyler(coupon.maxspend) + '

') }else{ scc_jQuery('#coupon_info_spend_range').html(Number(coupon.maxspend) >= Number(coupon.price_without_discount) ? '

Your discount has been applied correctly. -' + ' ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.discountvalue) + currencyLabel + '

': '

Your discount has not been applied because the total price has to be lower than ' + priceCommaStyler(coupon.maxspend) + ' ' + currencyLabel + '

') } } } } return price }